Isostatic graphite - Extruded graphite

Carbon insulation solutions

HelioProtection® HP15NH, Photovoltaic fuse-links gPV 1500VDC
They are available with plain blades, bolted blades for direct mounting with and without striker.

NH Fuse-links gBat 1000V-1500V DC
of battery systems. They offer full range protection and can protect
very small over currents as well as DC fault current up to 150kA. The
NH gBat fuses serie covers various ratings in 1000VDC with NH1 and
NH2 sizes, and in 1500VDC with NH1XL, NH2XL and NH3L sizes. They are gBat type that comply with new IEC 60269-7 standard for Battery protection. They are available with bolted type blades for
direct mounting, or with plain blades.

Modulostar® CUS10
Modulostar CUS10 fuse holders are available in 1, 2, 3 or 4 poles, with or without visual blown fuse indicator, in UL + IEC version.
Multi-pole units can also be field assembled by ordering pin-ties assembly kit. Made of tough and durable thermoplastic or thermoset material.
For use with Mersen midget fuses.

Heat exchangers

Carbon brushes range

Power Stack Design, Manufacturing & Testing - Evaluation Kits