Corrosive Chemicals

Corrosion resistant equipment

When process conditions combine both corrosion and high temperature, material selection becomes a key criteria of the engineered product. For more than 120 years, Mersen has developed advanced materials and process equipment expertise to provide customized solutions capable of handling the severe corrosive chemicals processes.

Knowledge of materials, expertise in heat transfert and process technologies

Mersen offers equipment designed to meet the most stringent production requirements in particular for phosphoric acid, chlor-alkali, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Isocyanates, Acid processing and Specialty chemicals.

Process equipment and maintenance services

Mersen is internationally recognized for its expertise in the design and manufacture of process equipment up to turn-skid process technologies made of high-end corrosion-resistant materials, coping with the corrosive and high-temperature processes.

Phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid



Active pharmaceutical ingredients

Active pharmaceutical ingredients



Acid processing

Acid processing

Specialty chemicals

Specialty chemicals