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Mersen Solar Energy

Solar and wind power expansion thanks to Mersen's innovations

Jun 2021

From the rise of electricity to renewable energies!

Mersen - Opera electric lightning


Just as the Eiffel Tower was being inaugurated, Maurice Lacombe founded Lacombe & Cie, a company soon to be renamed Le Carbone, whose specialty was the production of industrial carbon.

For nearly 40 years, the company produced carbon arc rods, using a technology that would go on to revolutionize electrical distribution and public lighting, before merging with Compagnie Lorraine des Charbons in 1937. 

Mersen Solar panels


The Group perpetuates its innovative approach by investing in the development of renewable energies at the turn of the 21st century.

Its expertise is now central to the solar and wind energy sectors, where the Group brings performance, reliability and safety.

A bright know-how!

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